family values My divorce set-up looks perfect to you. He changed his career to something with fewer office hours and more availability. Now he works from home on the days he has her which is 50% of the year.
Mediation Mediator Louisa Whitney shares the benefits of mediation. Meetings today are in person or online, and it doesn't matter as long as both agree on the format. For some this can be beneficial, such as people who feel distressed in the presence of their soon-to-be ex-spouse
Legal Insights Featured Divorce is a baptism of fire People can't understand divorce until they have to go through it, and when they do, it's an absolute baptism of fire. Dante's Inferno.
Relationships Matthew Pruen, Relationship Coach When we start to see aspects that don't fit with the perfect person we fell in love with, it can feel like betrayal.
divorce My ex-wife hated my ambition. We tried multiple therapists, but she wouldn't see her role in the demise of us. She focused on every minute detail of what I didn't do, she was a pit bull with her anger and sensitive to everything.
communication breakdown The Timing was Right until it wasn't. My children have suffered and continue to suffer and it hurts me that I can't shield them from this madness. Each one has reacted differently and at different times